I had an epiphany when I was 22. I was living out a dream in Costa Rica, until I couldn’t get out of bed and I had to return to Alabama to have back surgery. A month after surgery, I went back to Costa Rica. Five months later I had to return to the states again for another back surgery. My epiphany was: “Life really sucks!"... Profound, I know.
At 28, I continue realizing and experiencing this truth. Life can be outrageously unfair, ugly, lonely, and disappointing. Following this epiphany came the understanding that most things in life and this world eventually change. Most of the time, the tide turns at some point. And, even if it doesn’t, our perspective can.
The trouble is getting through the time when it really sucks. My time in the southeast reminded me of many of the golden nuggets in life that help you nudge your way through these moments, days, and seasons.
Reconnecting with old friends: I went to my 10 year high school reunion and saw dear friends who are doing extraordinary things all around the world. Doctors, lawyers, dancers, inventors, etc. from Birmingham to Palestine. It refuels the soul to reconnect with these kindred spirits.
Rock climbing, of course.
Dogs: Featured here are my Luke, my Aunt Barbara's Lola, and my friend Dave's Nugget (who I am dog sitting this week). Nugget was the inspiration behind the title!
Fanny packs: Ok, not really, but I promised my Aunt Barbara that our matching fanny packs would make the blog, so its a golden nugget for now.
Laughing: I laughed till it hurt playing Taboo with my aunties. They retreat together every summer; it is an exclusive group. This summer I received an invite, what an honor.
Water: Whether riding, swimming or skiing on it (after 8ish years, I discovered that I can still slalom), water is peaceful and inspiring.
Unconditional love from family: Matt and I took Dad's boat out. It was quite the hilarious adventure. Tips: keep the tackle box secured, put the boat in gear when trying to start the motor, don't ask for a tow from an Auburn fan unless you have on an Auburn t-shirt.
Utah: I love the Southwest desert, and particularly Utah. It's weird, quirky, and really beautiful. Friends here give the best "welcome home" hugs. This place rejuvenates my soul.