Saturday, August 4, 2012

Summer 2012

Some summer 2012 good times. Now off to spend the rest of the summer in Guatemala!

Upper Dream Canyon
Osiris on the Book in Lumpy Ridge
Batman Pinnacle, Lumpy Ridge 
Camping at the base of Sundance Buttress
Squeeze Chimney!
Summit of Kor's Flake
Head and the Heart at Red Rocks Amphitheater

Having too much fun taking pictures with Amy, Jacob, and rainbows

Beach Trip to Alabama with the family. What a terrific time!

Mom and Aunt Barbara's visit to Colorado. So great to have my mom and auntie visit!

Hanging out

Hiking in RMNP
Taking Elena up the Bastille in Eldo
Swimming at the Eldorado Canyon Pool
Tubing!!! My new favorite summer activity in Boulder