Sunday, September 9, 2012

Guatemala pictures and fun

My teacher Rosario. She was a ball of pure delight!

Hike to Lake Atitlan with Quetzaltrekkers.
Quetzaltrekkers was awesome!!!

We ate so well.
Sunrise over Lake Atitlan

The village of San Juan with Volcano San Pedro behind it.

At Casa del Mundo, this place was a dream

The day after nearly sinking a kayak, we opted to go in the morning when the waters were calm.

Biking outside of Antigua

My banana split to recognize the anniversary of Dad's death. He made massive and delicious banana splits each time I came home, so this has become my new tradition on August 17th.
Dad, I eat banana splits in remembrance of you! :)

The overlook at the avocado farm outside of Antigua

Some sweet kids I ran into on a hike. They liked the idea of a picture.

My rock climbing experience ended up being one of the most interesting cultural experiences I have EVER had. The climbing area is considered a sacred site for Evangelicals, Catholics and Mayan religions. There are groups of people all over conducting religious ceremonies which involve lots of yelling, wailing, singing, and I am not sure what all else. I just pretended that they were cheering me on.

An altar

On top of Cerro Baul overlooking Xela

Mi familia Guatemalteca.
They were incredibly sweet to Mary and I and the two youngest were Guatemalan versions of Cooper and Tucker.

On the way up to Volcano Santa Maria

On top of Volcano Santa Maria


The three and a half weeks spent in Guatemala were fun and enlightening. Mary and I backpacked on Mayan trails, watched the sunrise over Lake Atitlan, nearly sank a kayak (only to be rescued by a small and sweet indigenous lady), stayed in a tree house at an avocado farm, and bought lots of Guatemalan coffee and textiles. I also got to rock climb in an area that was a holy site where Mayans, Evangelicals, and Catholics come to pray, sing, and carry out religious ceremonies.  I hiked a volcano, ate mango and papaya on the street, and spoke a lot of Spanish (the actual purpose of the trip!) In addition to all these things, I was reminded of and educated on the situation in Central America and specifically Guatemala. What I learned leaves me frustrated as it is unfair, unjust, and wrong.  

When the conquistadores came to Guatemala in the 1400s, they learned quickly that here the riches were not as much gold and silver, but rather the land. The conquistadores were not military; but rather private business owners who had received a decree from the Spanish crown that they could conquer an area of land, as well as everything it held. This last clause was very important, for without a workforce to cultivate the land, the richness of the land was meaningless.

The methods of colonialism and conquering seem to be similar everywhere. As we did with Native Americans, as was done in Africa, and what was done throughout Latin America, the indigenous of Guatemala were stripped of their religion, language, and culture. They were forced to work, and the fruit of their labor went to other people and countries. For over 300 years the Spanish dominated the people of Guatemala. In 1821 when Guatemala received independence from Spain, it was really just an effort by the conquistadors to avoid paying more taxes to the crown.

Today, it doesn’t seem like too much is different. For all intensive purposes, colonialism still rules. About 2% percent of the population owns 80% of the land. The campesinos (peasants who are mostly the indigenous Mayans living in rural areas) do not have enough land to provide for themselves or to produce enough food for the Guatemalan economy. This creates a large workforce of people who are willing (out of pure necessity) to work seasonally in harsh conditions for low wages producing crops to be exported to other countries. Very little ever goes to their own economy.

In 1953 a democratically elected government began to introduce agrarian reform. The law redistributed land that was not being used from large companies to small farmers in rural areas. The land was purchased at the value that the companies self-declared in their taxes. As the companies had been undervaluing the land to pay lower taxes, they weren’t too excited about the compensation.  Things were going to change in Guatemala. With land of their own, the campesinos were most likely going to have more options than just working in harsh conditions for low wages.

A US company was to be hit the hardest by these reforms. The United Fruit Company (now known as Chiquita) owned 40 to 50% of the Guatemalan land and had strong political connections in the US. Under pressure, the US government expected that our economy would be harmed. So, we deemed the Guatemalan government as communist and intervened.

I am not a scholar on Guatemalan history or on US/Guatemalan relations, but some clear facts are that the US government trained Guatemalan military men and supported a coup to overthrow a democratically elected government. This started a 36 year conflict. For 36 years (1960-1996) the military (largely US trained) terrorized the rural Mayan population to prevent them from supporting any rebel or guerrilla groups. Over 2,400 small rural villages disappeared during this time.

Since the Peace Accords in 1996, people are no longer being massacred and there is a freedom to talk about what happened. However, the social conditions that started this conflict are mostly the same. Rural Guatemalans have to work for low pay because they do not have enough land to sustain themselves or the Guatemalan economy. In addition, the government is acutely corrupt.

One indicator and realization of the land issues and corruption is the astonishing high levels of malnutrition. Despite the fact that Guatemala is a land abundant in fruits and produce, people are hungry and dying from it. Guatemala is not one of Latin America's poorest countries, but according to Unicef almost half of Guatemala's children are chronically malnourished—the sixth-worst performance in the world and the worst in the western hemisphere. In parts of rural Guatemala, where the population is overwhelmingly of Mayan descent, the incidence of child malnutrition reaches 80%.   Chronic malnutrition is also the single greatest contributor to the deaths of children under 5. 

What does one do with such enlightenment? I think that civilization has come so far, but we are still lacking so much. It would take more than NGOs and humanitarian efforts to re-direct the dynamics in Guatemala. It would take political reform in Guatemala as well as economic policy changes among the US and other wealthy nation. Something that seems impossible.

What I eventually comes to mind and gives me hope are some truths well put by Dr. Martin Luther King. I believe that we must hold to a faith that says “I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality.” For “the moral arc of the universe bends toward justice”. 

Some articles on malnutrition and the situation in Guatemala: