Lacey and I connected over our love for Spanish at Auburn University. She is one of those "kindred spirits" in my life. I had the great pleasure of being her parents house guest for two weeks in Costa Rica. They went on to be my "Gringa" family for the six months that I was there, and they have remained special to my heart since.
Ian showed Anthony and I around Clear Creek Canyon. Ian and Camille (Ian's wife) are dear friends from Eagle Lake Camp, where we spent two summers together. They are the kind of friends that you can always call and connect with, no matter how much time has past.
This is on top of the second pitch of the Bastille Crack in Eldorado Canyon. We waited on this ledge for nearly 2 hours!! Believe it or not, there actually are folks that climb slower than me!
The following pictures are a tribute to Anthony's stud-like lead on the 2nd pitch of Werk's Up at Eldo. My facial expressions say my thoughts on the climb. I led the first pitch, which nearly scared the life out of me, and then I could barely squirm up the second pitch on top rope.
Day two at Eldo, we did Yellow Spur, a 6-7 pitch 5.10. It was hard and beautiful and I didn’t lead a single pitch! Thanks Anth!