Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy Anniversary

If I get to experience anything close to the marriage that my parents had, I will be an extremely lucky woman. They were married 39 years ago on August 11, 1972 and lived out a true love story.

They shared everything. Passions, activities, food, toothbrushes, and affection. My mom was nearly as into football as my dad; and, my dad always welcomed her and her suggestions into the field house. They played ball together and fished together. Even in Dad’s very sick days, in the hospital and at home, they shared a bed, even if that meant scrunching onto a single mattress. I guess they had a thing for hospitals though. The story is that they became pregnant with me while Dad was in the hospital after back surgery!

1 comment:

  1. precious - love this post and the pics! inspiring story of love!
