Sunday, September 18, 2011

The pilgrimage begins...

It is time to make my pilgrimage to the mecca of all things rock climbing...Yosemite. With my new Misty Mountain Cadillac Harness (made in the good land of North Carolina) and my revamped chalk bag, I am ready for the massive walls of gorgeous granite. Red Rocks is also on the agenda. Starting tomorrow, the next couple of weeks will be packed with as much climbing as my body can handle. Yahoo!

If you've known me over the last few years, the chalk bag may look familiar. My lovely Guatemalan purse was falling apart, yet I was not ready to part with it. I took the part still in good shape and turned it into my chalk bag. It's not the best sewing job in the world, but it is certianly my best!

From the top of a climb in Little Cottonwood Canyon around Salt Lake City


  1. woo hoo! hope you have a blast lady!

  2. hey - i recognize that chalk bag! :) great idea! have fun, take pics, share stories.
